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Toby Moses "Little Man" Slimmer 05/19/2006-08/01/2016 |
Hi furiends!
Mama Mindy here. Lots has happened since we were last on. Toby Moses has been on a steady decline since his Old Dog Vestibular Disease diagnosis back in February after his eardrum burst. I rather not focus on his decline and just give you the details we know of his final minutes with us on earth.
My mom and I went on morning errands--PetsMart, Michaels, and a home décor store. Not the usual errands, but a "let's have a little fun" errands. We got home around 12:30pm with KFC. Our babies were all there to greet us home, including Toby. Within 5 minutes of getting home, I was in the process of returning a missed call when my dad raised his voice to tell me that Toby collapsed to his side. Toby was struggling to breathe and I noticed him trying to get back up. Just when he tried to get back up, he collapsed again and this time I saw his eyes tracking. He was having a seizure.
Mom grabbed little man off of the kitchen floor and ran with him to the pugmobile, Ruby Red. I called the vet clinic to tell them we were on our way, and they told me that there were no doctors around and it would be 20 minutes or more before one would be back from lunch. I screamed at the phone that we didn't have 20 minutes, we were on our way and if we could get him any assistance in breathing we would take it.
As we tried to get off our street onto the main road, Toby took his final breath in the arms of his loving mama, my mom, Mama CJ. It was a heart chilling moment. For the next hour and a half mom cradled Toby in her arms, we cried, and we prayed. The vet is going to perform an autopsy on Toby's body per our request. Toby will have a private cremation. We will let you know what we find out at autopsy. We think that his heart gave out. We are not 100% sure and it is for closure that we are asking for an autopsy to be performed.
I will try to share better news in a few days, but we need to grieve.
Rest in peace our Sweet, Cutie Patootie, Pug of the Prairie, Stinker Bean, Little Mans, Tobers, Toby Moses.
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Bubba and Sissy--Gracie Lynn (forefront) and Toby Moses are together again in heaven! |
God Bless,
Mama Mindy
How heart breaking for you!! We are so sorry for the loss of Toby Moses and send gentle purrs and hugs to you!! ❤️❤️
This is such sad news. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. All the good memories will stay safe in your hearts forever.
I am so very sorry to hear this. What a beloved little soul. I put up a post today for a close friend in Blogville, who went to the Bridge this weekend. I hope the poem that I included with that will offer you some comfort.
The Johnsons in Chicago (Abby T. Lab's family)
Dear Friends,
We are SO SO SO sorry to hear this sad news about Toby Moses... He was Quite the Man... and we have SO many wonderful memories to help us through this difficult time.
We are SAD but also GLAD that he went...cuddled in LOVING ARMS... on his OWN TERMS...
Run FREE AND FAST...Toby Moses... until we meet again.
WE are so so sorry to hear that Toby Moses has made his last journey. We too feel thankful that he was in loving arms when he passed.
sending you lots of hugs
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel
I am so sorry you lost your little man. It's heartbreaking. I hope you get some answers, though answers wont bring him back, at least you'll know. Sending you all hugs and purrs as your grieve.
So sorry to hear you very sad news. Sending you lots of luffs and hugs and our very best wishes
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
So sorry to read this! You are in our prayers
oh no.....we are so very very sorry and sending purrs
I am so sorry for your loss and the awful way it happened.
Oh no we are so chocked up and sad. Run free sweetheart. Sending hugs
Lily & Edward
Oh my gosh,,,,,,,,,, I do not know what to say,
You are all broken,, and I am broken with you,,,
I am sitting beside you right now,,, crying,,
The angels came and got Toby Moses,,, right now they are holding him.
This I believe,,
I am so sad,,, so broken too,,, My sweet Toby Moses.. I will love you forever,, and I will find you.
I have been an infrequent reader but remember Toby Moses well. I am so very, very sorry for your heartbreaking loss!
So sorry to hear of sweet Toby's passing. If only they could stay with us forever. Hugs to you all.
I am so sorry this happened.
Thank goodness you were able to be with him and say goodby.
Peace and love run free sweet Toby.
xo Astro
Toby Moses will always be one of my besties even though he is an angel now. Your blog was one of the first I followed and I am so glad I did. You are part of my Blogville family now and forever.
RIP Toby Moses.
Love Noodles
We are so sorry ... RIP Toby Moses!
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty, Whitney & Jaxzyn
I'm so sorry to hear this. I learned about it from Tweedles' mom's Facebook page. Angel Toby Moses's star is shining bright.
Our softest nuzzles of love and understanding at this horrible time of loss. Toby Moses was one of White Dog's very first Blog heart family. Know he lives on forever in our hearts and memories. Sue, Steve, Siku, and all the members of the White Dog Army
Oh Mindy, we are so sorry that Toby Moses had to leave you. Just know that he knew so much love while he lived with you and he had a great life. It is so hard to lose our fur kids. Sending lots of hugs.
We're so sorry to hear about Toby and are sending our hugs to all of you.
We are so very sorry to read about the loss of your sweet boy. I know you have so many sweet memories in your heart of him, and letting him go was hard. Toby did it his way though didn't he. We just wanted to stop by and let you all know you are in our prayers and in our hearts. Stella Rose and Momma
We are sending soothing snuggles and prayers your way...
We are so sorry for the sudden loss of Toby Moses and know your grief is painful. A warm hug, purrs and paw taps of comfort.
Mom and I were so very sorry to just learn of Toby Moses' passing. WE have posted on POTP blog
Hugs madi and Mom
I've never heard of Toby or been on this blog before but this is still breaking my heart. Rest in peace, Toby, you will be missed. Gone, but never forgotten.
Mindy and all you little Pugsters! I am so, so sorry to learn that Toby has run across the bridge, but I hope and I do believe he'll be happy and healthy over there, beyond the rainbow. Such a dear boy ...
farewell, little one!
Hugs from your Zoolatry friends, Maggy and Zoey and Dougie Dog
I'm so sorry to hear this. He was a wonderful little man.
I lost Dip a couple of weeks ago, it is always heartbreaking.
Hugs, Lynne and Elliot x
Mom Kim here - I am so very sorry for your loss. It is all the more difficult since it was unexpected and he seemed ok when you first got home. I just saw the news on the POTP page. Not sure what happened - I thought we followed you - I know we are signed up now. Toby Moses is now whole and well - running and playing beyond the Bridge. My Shiloh became an angel there this past March - maybe they have found each other and those who once lived in Blogville are now all together and having a grand time. Prayers and peace to you.
Our hearts go out to you and break right along with yours. We are so very sorry. We wish that we could have gotten to know your sweet little man. Huge hugs to you♥
We are so sorry to hear about your dear Toby. We have just had a loss in our family too. We're sending hugs and our best wishes for your family.
We are very sorry for your loss and we will keep you in our prayers. Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug
We are so very sorry for your loss and will be keeping our paws together fur you!!
Matt & Matilda
We didn't know Toby and are saddened by the news. We went through this last year and weren't spared of having to make the decision of when to let go. Run free, Toby.
Stopping by from the POTP page to leave our condolences on the loss of your Toby. We are so very sorry and wish you peace of mind when you get your autopsy results. Run free Toby with your Sis over the Bridge. Strength to you all.
Marty, Mom and the Gang
I MJF, am sorry for this loss, and send my MJF kisses and soft wuffs. My kitty brofurs add loud meezer purrs, too. The petcretary says she was having some floods in her eyes when she read about Toby Moses in another blog...
So sorry for your loss. You are feeling shocked and empty, but your hearts are full of all the precious and cherished memories to treasure in there forever...to take out and meander through when ever you want to have some Toby Moses moments.
(((((((((( ♥ ))))))))))
(We did not know Toby Moses but he sure looks like someone we would have enjoyed meeting...alas we cannot...)
So sorry for your loss. Hugs.
Our hearts go out to you all. We are so very sorry for this great loss.
Rest with the angels Toby.
Lily Belle & Muffin
Oh, I am so very sorry to hear about Toby Moses. He was such a sweet and long time furiend and I know your hearts are breaking. I think it's wonderful that he crossed the bridge in loving arms. My whole pack is sending warm hugs and loving vibes.
Grr and a Mournful Woof,
Sarge and Staff
How deeply sad :( We are so sorry for your loss. Soft Pawkisses to comfort you <3 <3 <3
We are so very sorry for your loss. Toby was your beloved pet.
Tweedles, our sweet friend, told us about you were grieving,
and needed some words of moral support.
It is always hard to lose our best furry friend.
We are animal lovers too. We have rescued many cats and puppies...
We understand how you feel, dear. We pray for you and your beloved ones.
Toby will always remain in your hearts. Toby is watching you from Heaven.
My name is Starry, Poet Starry Dawn.
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