August 31, 2013

Mama Mindy's Week 2 of Courses: It Gets Better

Hi friends!

Re-cap:  Last week was very busy, busy, busy and STRESSFUL. This is the continuing story of my first year of the Elementary School Cohort. 

Remember for every one credit hour I take, it equals 3 hours of at home homework for me to do.  I am taking 13 hours this semester.

This week's re-cap:

This semester I am taking 13 credit hours, which doesn't sound like a lot...but I am actually taking 5 courses.

Elementary Music (2 hours).  Teacher pulled a "Sponge Bob" by playing a little ditty through one of her nostrils in the recorder.  Some in the class found this gross...I found it highly entertaining.  Next week is Labor Day so class is not in session.  Instead, I have to prepare a little Micro Teach on how to introduce and lead a song in class. Easy least I will practice a few times...but nothing too hard.  Also, two pages of recorder practice.  Right now, we just know the notes B, A, and G.  That is pretty simple work for this week and next.

Advanced Instructional Technology (3 hours).  Teacher presented a few "enrichment activities" using the Legend of the Tower of Brahma and how it relates to need to have a proper order to what you deem important in order for your life to balance...we also did a version of "memory" with the "matches" being of words all human beings should live by and decided that integrity for the teacher is key, which is good judgment. Since class does not meet next week (class only meets two times a month), I need to prepare my "Educational Portfolio" for submission and create three graphs (scatter plot, bar, and pie) on the computer for submission for class on Sept. 10th.

Math for Elementary Ed & Middle School Teachers I (3 hours). Class is much better.  Quizzes are not happening...Yay!! (Her belief:  Quizzes should be used for the purpose of regaining classroom control if your students get too loud or lose focus.  Quizzes don't necessarily have to be graded. :)
Now...this week we are working on using other base systems...our worldwide system in math is based on the Hindu-Arabic base ten and comparing it to other base systems...let's just say that the Mayans have me stumped. :)  Learned a new way of division (Love it!)...but the old way I learned wasn't bad either.  The second part of this week involved sets, elements, and members and how to write them out in math notation.   So far...I have spent about 4 hours on homework.

Homework left:  Two sections of homework in the textbook (which should not take me 5 least I hope not!!)

Field & Lab Biology (3 hours).  This class period was devoted to three things: microscopes, cells, and how to make a budget for biology materials in the classroom.  Next week, Exam 1 and a small fishing trip to a local pond.  The budget is all I have to do for homework, besides studying for a test, and I need to look at common core science standards to decide what a fourth grade classroom would need...our fictional budget is $100.

Elementary Art (2 hours).  First class meeting.  Created folders to hold our art work, did a "Wet on Wet technique" which involved using our names and creating a skyline and shadows...very fun!!  (Might have to submit to Dip Dip and The Bridge for next Saturday's sharing of drawing), and went to an art gallery opening of two abstract artists.  I love art this was up my alley.  At the end of the art day, we had to critique our Wet on Wet project and also review our class experience for the day on a piece of paper.  We only meet three more in between classes will be on-line work.  Weeks will run from Sunday to the following Sunday at 11:59pm.  I like the teacher a lot and she is not that much older or younger than me...(I'm not a good judge of age).

See you next week...only three classes to discuss then since the first two of the week are not meeting and the last class of the week is a blended course (in-class meetings and on-line), I will discuss the on-line learning I have done.

Much Love,
Mama Mindy :)


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Working in other bases is INTERESTING... I LIKED Base 5.
The music class will be really FUN from the sounds of it.
Do you have to learn to play the Piano?
I have forgotten all the music that I learned... THAT was a very hard set of classes for ME. BUT I Loved the lady who taught the class.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Whew! You're so busy it makes my head spin!

Sketching with Dogs said...

That is such a lot to do, as you know, if work is not craft-based, my brain turns to sludge, LOL.
Hope you have some nice relaxing breaks in between.
Lynne x

Mollie said...

OMD I could never do all that, you sure have a super brain.. BOL, we are like Lynne.. Make sure you stop for lots of treats in between xx00xxx

Mollie and Alfie