A Way Home
I’m writing with a specific purpose today. Winnie’s Wish needs help. Two wonderful kitties here have a home WAY out in California. The new mom and dad have emailed with various locations they could get to in order to pick up their kitties. But I am in southern Illinois. There are definitely a few miles to cover between here and there.
Jeanne at Random Felines has put out an email to her flying friends, but so far no one is going that way any time soon. Andrea at Celestial Kitties made contact with Dorian at Your Daily Cute. Dorian told Andrea that I could give her the details and she would see if anything might be do-able as far as trying to put together a big old cross-country transport. Cross your fingers. My question to you is this? Is anyone in the lower half of Illinois or in western Kentucky or anywhere near Nashville or St. Louis planning a flight west in March (or even April)? If yes, would you be willing to take two kitties with you? OR is there anybody out there between Illinois and California who is willing to drive a leg of a transport if one could be put together? Finally - I don’t have tons of visitors to this blog. But I know that some of you reading here DO have many many readers, and that you know of other blogs with even MORE readers. Would you do me the favor of posting something about this so that your readers become aware of our need? I would SO appreciate any help of any kind.
These two sweethearts are READY TO GO.

There are two wonderful people out there who want to give Hershey Bear and Frosting a forever home. Surely we can make this happen! Thanks, and have a great weekend.
My e-mail is pugsandpurrsATgmailDOTcom if you can help with the transport. We have a possible need for drivers at this minute from Oklahoma City to Denver, CO!!
Please at least copy this post and paste on your website so we can get as much traffic as possible!!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Purrsibs & Mama Mindy
Jeanne at Random Felines has put out an email to her flying friends, but so far no one is going that way any time soon. Andrea at Celestial Kitties made contact with Dorian at Your Daily Cute. Dorian told Andrea that I could give her the details and she would see if anything might be do-able as far as trying to put together a big old cross-country transport. Cross your fingers. My question to you is this? Is anyone in the lower half of Illinois or in western Kentucky or anywhere near Nashville or St. Louis planning a flight west in March (or even April)? If yes, would you be willing to take two kitties with you? OR is there anybody out there between Illinois and California who is willing to drive a leg of a transport if one could be put together? Finally - I don’t have tons of visitors to this blog. But I know that some of you reading here DO have many many readers, and that you know of other blogs with even MORE readers. Would you do me the favor of posting something about this so that your readers become aware of our need? I would SO appreciate any help of any kind.
These two sweethearts are READY TO GO.
There are two wonderful people out there who want to give Hershey Bear and Frosting a forever home. Surely we can make this happen! Thanks, and have a great weekend.
My e-mail is pugsandpurrsATgmailDOTcom if you can help with the transport. We have a possible need for drivers at this minute from Oklahoma City to Denver, CO!!
Please at least copy this post and paste on your website so we can get as much traffic as possible!!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Purrsibs & Mama Mindy
WE wish that WE could help. Those two NEED to get there... soon!!!
We would be willing to drive a leg if the transport came through Albuquerque, it would depend on the day and timing but if it could be coordinated...
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