Thank you so
much our puggy furiends!

Liebster Blog Award Rules:
Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you
Share five things about yourself and five things about your dogs/pets
About The Slimmer Puggums:
1. Gracie is the poo eater of the family. All pug households usually have at least one.
2. George is the security dog of the house. Squirrels are his arch nemeses!!
3. Mimi likes to go on car rides. It is probably linked to the fact that she knows that sometimes we go to Dairy Queen and get her a doggie dish. :)
4. Lily is very sound sensitive. The slightest movement or noise and you will see our girl tense up.
5. Toby Moses is a mama's boy. If dad is home, he acts as if he has been abandoned. :)
About Mama Mindy:
1. Mama is still driving her first car. This year it turns 10 years old (Mama's 26).
2. Mama is slowly getting her bachelor's degree in Elementary Education throught the BEST program that links the Butler County College Campus with Emporia State University instructors...almost all of the classes are at night...wesa not sure wesa like the night classes, but as long as someone is home, then wesa okay.
3. Mama is currently reading anything she can get her hands on written by author Madeleine L'Engle.
4. Mama Mindy is teaching Sexuality & Aging and Psychology & Aging on-line this Spring 2013 semester for Wichita State University.
5. Mama Mindy loves watching professional tennis. The Australian Open is on case anybody was wondering and it is played on the tennis courts in Melbourne.
Answer five questions from your nominee
1. What made you decide on your particular breed of dog?
I had a golden retriever named Gypsy Camelot Rose and a black lab/blue heeler mix named Bear before the pugs. Gypsy died at the age of 10. Bear lived to be 13. Both died of cancer. Not fun.
I looked up my lifestyle with a website that matches you with your perfect breed of dog and it turned up two breeds: the Golden Retriever and Pugs. I have always loved the movie "Milo & Otis" and since I was so heartbroken at the short-time I had with Gypsy and saw that pugs live on average six more years,I decided to dive into the world of pugs.
2. Do you have a gender preference, boys or girls?
There are pros and cons to both breeds. The girls tend to get into fights more than the boys. The boys like to mark inside the house. I have three girls and most of my cats are girls, so I will say that I prefer the females although I love my baby boys.
3. What made you decide to start a blog?
Gracie Lynn was about to have nose-fold surgery and none of the veterinary sites had any "visuals" of what it would look like when she was in the healing process. This search led me to a blog (that I still follow) called "The Girls" (Angel Tuni, Sequioa, and Emma--all girl pugs)...and it showed the before, after, and recooperation of Sequoia's nose fold surgery. I decided that I had to help share my love of pugs from that moment on...especially if I could provide any helpful information on the breed and different surgeries. The good Lord knows we have had plenty of surgeries between all 5 pugs.
4. Favorite TV show?
My favorite drama is Grey's Anatomy. However, I am a sucker for syndicated shows with MASH and The Cosby Show being my favorites.
5. Boxers or Briefs?? HEE HEE
Well...I'm a I don't wear either...but for all of you to laugh at my simpleness, I like plain granny panty white Hanes Her Way no ride up. :) I'm such a prude...:)
Ask five new questions to your nominated bloggers
1. What is your favorite television or movie canine?
2. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
3. What is your favorite snack?
4. Ultra Strong or Ultra Soft toilet paper. :)
5. What is something that you would love to own but are unable to afford at this time?
Reveal your top five picks (200 readers or less) and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
We would like to pass this award on to these blogs that we enjoy visiting.
1. Beefy Pug (Daisy & Bruce love food, toots, and making us all ROFL!!)
2. Pugpossessed (Aunt Punchy and her 6 pugs take us through daily life and style! Check out her esty shop..wesa luvs it!!)
3. The Devil Dog (You gotta love Roxy's antics and Lucky's loyalty to HER boy!!)
4. Da Weenies of Florida (Love all their funnies!! Can you tell we like blogs that make us laugh?)
5. Kresty Krew (That wedding blast they had was super fun and brought a lot of peeps together!!)
In the next few days, we will show you are pawsome Willabee & Ward January charm bracelet and 2 new magnets! Stay tuned!!
Much Luvums,
Mama Mindy & The Slimmer Puggums
Thank you..Thank you...Thank you!!!
What a great award. We are so proud you chose us!
We'll have Mom work on this fur us and post about it as soon as pawsible!
Congratulations on this award. Well deserved.
Thanks for sharing your information...that is interesting your momma is going back to school...and teaching online!!
stella rose
Yea for momma. And congratulations on your award
Benny & Lily
You did a fab job of answering your questions.. CONGRATULATIONS on the super award !!!
How fun to learn these things. And don't worry our mom likes the granny panties too!! hee hee.
Bailey, Hazel & Greta
Thank you, thank you very much. Right now my fur cousin and I are having a discussion about kitties vc woofies but I will post my answers next week.
It was really neat to read yours!
Thanks again
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